A young man this morning at the Country Store Café is working in Sports Medicine for Athletes. We had a conversation.
In this my 89th year I do not run or hop about on pain of grievous injury. We talked about my options. The bottom line came down to walking. Sounds rather simple. Yet my observation is that in this age category very few folks walk except to get to the TV and to the bathroom. What is the moral of the story?
My guess is that American culture is training people to watch the TV in order to get “eyeballs” and ratings. It does make economic sense for the corporate machinery and stock holders.
However, my selfish interest is in personal health. My time is shorter that it once was so why not squeeze every bit of enjoyment out of the process. The experts say that good memory maintenance for persons of age depends on learning new things and on exercise of the one body that we have. Rather basic. However personal initiative is crucial.