Thursday, April 28, 2011

Minnesota Spring Ballet

On this cool bright afternoon we walked on a bluff of the Minnesota River in the city of Bloomington. In a front yard there were Daffodils in full bloom. In a moment of time an American Goldfinch flew over from an evergreen tree, landed on a Daffodil flower that immediately bent low under the miniscule weight of the bird and then sprang back up as the Goldfinch flew back toward the tree.

The brilliant yellow of the flower blended momentarily with the golden plumage of the bird and then erupted in a flash of color as the earth anchored flower and sky destined bird parted.

The score for this original ballet had been written long since and has no doubt been performed numberless times. On this day a human audience was present for a performance that lasted all of two seconds and yet extends beyond measure.

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