Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Befriending Norovirus

Certain viruses are the well advertised enemies that can turn into global pandemics and kill many people. So why befriend them?

Anxiety can lead people to depression and despair. In such a frame of mind we become more vulnerable to one kind or another of virus. We can weaken ourselves by imagining a dire personal result.

My proposal is to learn all that we can about the particular virus that has arrived on our doorstep. 

Norovirus has come to this community. It spreads easily and shows itself by causing vomiting and diarrhea. Here are beginning steps for indiviuals.

     1. Washing hands frequently is basic.
     2. Avoiding groups decreases vulnerability.

Knowing these facts through research is an example of befriending norovirus.  Only by learning can we prevent ourselves from being agents of norovirus

A more serious virus from China is now arriving in our country and is being described as a possible global pandemic.  We look to National Health authorities if the Coronavirus begin to spread.

For now we all can  WASH HANDS.
We can learn all we can about NOROVIRUS.
We can begin to learn about CORONAVIRUS.

Written by Delton

1 comment:

Martha said...

Glad to hear you are treating this virus with the respect it deserves! Hate it or befriend it - but respect it.