Monday, May 11, 2020

The imagination needs attention

My father was named Rudolph August Krueger.
His family was made up of pioneer people.
There were no famous people among us. 
Some were dirt farmers.
some rode the rails in Box Cars
Some were Horse Traders
Some got undone by alcohol.
He and Mother Mathilda met at
an event at an Evangelical Gemeinschaft
Now for some imagination.
Let us now go to the Cemetery near Springfield.
A number spellings are used. Krieger, Kruger and others. Genealogical studies are complicated.
We know of some contacts with Native Americans
But no stories that would be authentic witness.

Delton Krueger  5-11-2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Keeping Our Eyes On Issues Part 1

Starting With The American Civil War
divisions within American society were put on public display.

The War was greatly about slavery.  White people saw themselves as superior to black people. The war did not settle that matter. These days we hear of The Confederate Flag and White Supremacy.

A person can start a spirited conversation over black/white relationships. We need to have more of these.

I promise not to forget about the Civil War and the history that surrounded that convulsion of death and those who gave their lives at places like Bull Run and Antietam and Gettysburg.

Delton Krueger 5/7/2020                             

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Birch Trees

                                                                                                           Birches look so organized
Usually gathered as a family.
Their beauty charms humans.
Driving on a slope of land that
Exhibits Paper Birch with its loose
Bark blowing 
In the Spring wind
Waving to passers-by with a shy glance
That invites attention. 
I remember a Birch grove in
Clear water County, Nimrod Township,
 Bathed by Long Lake.