Thursday, November 8, 2018

Blogging After A Stroke

In late September 2018, I experienced a stroke. It did not affect my speech but did affect muscles in my right side. Presently I am in a recovery center being given therapies to recover as much as possible.

One of the  things that is affected in a stroke is the brain's ability to create documents that communicate. Words do not come easily at first, and sentences are hard to construct. This adventure of creating the first post is demanding of a section of the brain that has been injured. This will be brief.

I hope to be writing more blogs. Martha has been working with me on this.


Monday, September 17, 2018

Religion Sacred Days are for Always is available globally on the internet. 

First  put on-line in 1993 this calendar has provided dates for the primary sacred days of most world religions.

The vast amount of information is a limiting factor. 

Keeping all the dates accurate at no cost to clients is a taskmaster of  impossible proportions. Some mistakes will be made.

Used in Africa, Asia, the Americas, Eurasia, Europe, Outer Space, the Calendar helps people to have a sense of unity in knowledge.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Spires of September

Spires of September

Primordial rousing of earth
Happens in historic church yards 
Of midwest American prairies.

Challenging the loam preparing
For a chill rest tonight
Until the round of season moves on.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Jackfish Bay on Rainy Lake

Written on May 2, 2018   Wednesday

It has been called to attention that story writing is the way all human handing on of information began.

Martin Puchner in “The Written  World: The Power of Stories to Shape People, History and Civilization” says that “The sea of unwritten stories is still infinite and waiting to be transformed into literature.”

My goal is to put into words vignettes of recollections.

Story number 1      Jackfish Bay on Rainy Lake.

Next to the road on a spring day the signs of the season are appearing. There is still snow in the woods and ice on some parts of the lake.

With southern exposure the edge of the ice is melting and there is clear water trickling in the gravel forming tiny streams.

Stepping out of his vehicle a young man kneels to see if there are creatures in that crystal water. The perfume of freshly opened water with ice yet within reach draws him yet closer.

Yes, there are tiny crustaceans and almost transparent creatures moving in the flowing current.  Elaborate living beings are testing the limits of this newly released liquid universe.

The music of melting ice has a delicate sound of change. The mind will transform those notes into a symphony.  The young man will recall those sounds so long as he continues alive. His mind will recreate the scene and healing energy will be a springtime of the soul.

Delton Krueger   2-11-29.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

And Then There is Time - A Poem for Jan 17, 2018

Resetting the margins of Life
Is when the creation begins again.
To think that new things begin
On the doorstep of ninety years.
Not jobs.
Not intimate relationships.
Not travels to far places.
Not a another career.
In the imagination
Wilderness trip Maps appear.
Portages are bound to be there.
Hope for good signage.

  Bon Voyage!
The horizon invites.
Delton my Bonnie
Take that paddle and canoe!


Saturday, January 13, 2018


California Forest Fires have set a scene that is reflected in the community of people. Instead of flames imagine words – spoken, written, electronic.  Heroic, cowardly, frightening, offensive, charming. 

This writing is focused on the force that words have on individuals, families, communities, nations and the global zone.
This very day news media, and conversations are noting a forceful leader using irresponsible words to inflame and confuse people of all persuasions.

Words behave much like fire. Easy to start. Difficult to manage or extinguish. It takes fuel to feed a fire. Winds to fan the flames.

The community is sometimes dry like a forest in drought. A dangerous fire burns down to the bed rock and takes many long years to recover soil for producing new productive plants or ideas.  

When the smoky fog of fire tinged words comes upon our community I want to be like a shower of cooling and calming water. The temperature lowers and we can think more deliberately with friendship and time for one another. This is small scale and personal.


    Delton 1-13-18

Friday, January 5, 2018

Clergyperson as Actor/Actress

At University I did one Shakespeare play as well as “Night Must Fall” – a a crime play, in which I acted the part of The Inspector.

The next acting scene was a surprise that came during the first appointment of Methodist ministry. I learned that much of the life work of a clergy person is to be an actor.  That sounds so artificial and distant from people. However, the truth is that when one is in front of an audience of parishioners week after week, part of the task is entertainment.  As in a tavern, there needs to be some reason that brings people back.  I learned to be a presence when terrible things happened to people, and a religious ceremony is needed.  Let me share one story of how my  beginning training school for an acting career taught reality.

The first parish was at International Falls.  Most people were related one way or another to the Paper Mill business.  The congregation I worked with were loggers and service providers. The office people and management types went to a higher class Congregational church or were Catholics, Lutherans or Fundamentalist Christian. 
The hospital was a central place of interchurch dramas.  Pastor W was a hard-nosed Baptist who would use hospital calls on the ill folks to do his missionary work. The sicker the people the more vulnerable they were to his offensive style. If he could get them saved that was victory for him even though they never went to his church. The rest of us had no good way to counter act him because it is a free country.

Methodists were know as welcoming anyone to the love of Jesus, so I was called when the medical staff was uncertain of who to call for an emergency. 

Joan and I lived about 2 blocks from the hospital in a primitive house, typical of many homes in The Falls at that time. Pastoral counseling of drunk people or a homosexual fellow had to be done in the small living room of the house. I admired Joan for managing a household under those circumstances.  I had to sometimes pretend that I knew what I was doing. 

One day a call came from the hospital saying that a member of a church family had been injured out in the woods.  Even me as a new arrival knew what that meant. Working in the woods meant cutting trees down, shaping them into the right length and hauling them by truck to the pulp wood storage area just outside to the east of town by the rail road tracks. I also knew what it meant to deal with “Widow maker trees”. The logger when cutting a tree might not notice that up there another tree might be leaning on the other trees and could fall as a death dealing surprise upon the logger below. 

Leaving home, I braced myself to take on the role of a young pastor whose farm background had not really prepared for the big woods up North.  I was an actor. The curtain had gone up. There was no script. This was no director in the wings to whisper the lines or signal where and what to do.  Life and death in the balances. The Doctor, Nurses and medical staff knew their business.

Upon arriving at the hospital, I was ushered to the vicinity of the room.  As I recall, it was one of the Stillar boys who was in trouble and it did not look good. These were big people especially the men. The room was crowded so I had to push my way in. When the Pastor was called everyone understood that serious things were happening. It made no difference that I was a little stick of a person, a young one at that, new in town as well. 

Once in the room I was in charge. Now to carry off this drama well.  Speak up even though a person knows not what to say. The ancient weight of religious ritual was upon me. Look around at the people with eye contact strong. Say the ancient words of the faith. Act like the pastor and priest, the shaman and medicine man of centuries of tradition.

 Keep the words brief. Allow for silence. Come close to the man who life is ebbing. Identify with him.  “ I commend you in the name Jesus. God the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit.”

“The Lord giveth. The Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord” .  

Then the Nurse takes charge. I withdraw from among the Stillars. Sobs. Touching each other. A whispered “Bless you” I leave the room and then the hospital. 

What had just happened? A powerful drama had just taken place. I had been an actor in the Drama of Life and Death. No one is adequate.  The roles are ancient.  Civilized society needs actors to fulfill roles that go back thousands of years.

Delton Krueger      written on 1-5-18