Thursday, October 24, 2019


All I know is that a magnificent diamond was glittering in the morning light of midwinter out there on a northern 
Minnesota lake.

No security forces were there guarding this brilliant diamond. Either no one cared or the owners did not have the necessary money or it was all an illusion

Being on the look out for an adventure, I decided to stop and
walk out through snow on to the lake surface and check out this wonder.

I discovered  a diamond cube that produced a sense of wonder
and fear in myself. It seemed that I was standing in a sacred place. The rays of the sun were so concentrated in this block of water that it became a  safe place to look at the sun without being blinded.

All of the plains and flaws in this ice diamond permitted the sun to multiply its power without damaging a lovely display.
      The setting was an art gallery on a Lake in Minnesota.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


When living outdoors in cold weather some situations present choices that demand decision.  Water tends to freeze. The body tends to gather dust and dirt. Clothing tends to smell of sweat and body odors.

What to do?

Be cautious of choosing companions.

Be prepared to allow for ventilation. A cool breeze will remove some of the odors. This agenda demands courage and careful choice of fellow travelers. Expression of disgust needs to be reserved for emergencies and willingness to absorb anger and possible threats.

This may explain why so few people enjoy winter camping.

Del    Krueger  10.16.2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ice comes soon to Dutch Charlies Creek

The Moon tonight presides over a change from warm to cold leading to ice in many places. Ponds and creeks will find that quiet places will form a cold slick that may be right for ice.

I recall evenings like this during times of winter camping in the North Country.  Ice would form so no splashing the face before taking refuge in tent and sleeping bag.

Evidently frost did not take me down. I discovered the powers of my body to adjust to very cold temperatures.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


DUTCH CHARLIES was a small stream except when spring flood took control.Then it was blocks of ice, small trees and uprooted bushes  

Squirrels were evicted from riverside homes. Raccoons were treated like renters with no flood insurance.  Simple bridges were picked up and carried downstream.


The Creek was small and meandering except during spring flood time.  Then it could be rushing stream with blocks of ice and small trees and uprooted brush. A dangerous hazard for animals and people.

 Being a magnet for children there were cautions drilled into minds but teen agers counted the Creek as an opportunity to impress