Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Personality of glyph artists

One thing we can claim to know about the people who did the Jeffers Petroglyphs is that they had a genetic predisposition toward social domination. The basis for this opinion lies in contemporary studies of neuroendocrine mechanisms.

William Anderson and Cliff Summers of the University of South Dakota present a paper in the November, 2007 issue of the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences arguing that stress coping strategies and social dominance are based in neurochemical biological foundations.

All we have to observe are the glyphs themselves at Jeffers and other sites. The fact that glyphs were created tells us that the creators not only were dealing with meaning in life but that they had personality traits enabling them to think wider than the tribe or family. In thinking beyond their own immediate interests they display what would be called "leadership" in any society - ancient or contemporary.

Worthy question include: "Can we claim close kinship with the glyph people? Is it possible that ideas expressed in the glyphs are available to assist us in solving human problems in our time?
Can the array of present world religions be enhanced by ideas from another era that we access only through glyph symbols?"

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