Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Dust Returning to Dust

Dust Returning to Dust 

That process is you and me. 

At birth I was involved in many things and everyone in the vicinity was distracted. This little living creature seemed so fresh and new yet this is dust assembled as a baby.

 Some day at a grave side the words “Dust to Dust and Ashes to Ashes……” will be said by other creatures of dust. The dignity and grandness of it all is usually overcome by spasms of necessary grief. 

What a mystery is this drama. Why all the bother?   Here is one answer.

It is all a matter of prayer being defined as dust grasping for meaning. 

This notion upends many rigid religious rituals. I content that this “algorithm” gives prayer a new and vital energy. This drama takes religion on to the next evolutionary phase in the earth creation of meaning.

I contend that religious institutions are not ready for their demise in the face of the onrushing future. Why, may I ask, are these religions not giving priority to “religion for robots”? There is still time to get this act together. The train is just leaving the station and is beginning to pick up speed.

No need to verbalize “let us pray”.  Our body minds have been at this praying all along but we got busy and tended to not notice.

These words make me uncomfortable. Yet, here they are and something tells me that it is okay to say them.


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