Sunday, October 1, 2017

Religion and Science

Authority is at the heart of it all.  Who gets to prevail in saying how the creation started and is continuing to develop?

The Big Bang theory is the usual scientific explanation for the beginning of the universe.  

Religions have a variety of explanations, many involve a singular being or beings who think or speak the universe into reality and continue to keep things going? 

 It is my belief that the beginning of all things is covered by a cloud of uncertainty.   

It is my conviction that beyond all things is a benevolent being that human beings have no ability to describe on their own. 

 Sciences are applying the human mind to what we do not understand so that we can feel more confident.   

Religions are human attempts to make peace with those things that daily life makes us decide for the survival of person and community.

Delton  10-1-17




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