Saturday, January 13, 2018


California Forest Fires have set a scene that is reflected in the community of people. Instead of flames imagine words – spoken, written, electronic.  Heroic, cowardly, frightening, offensive, charming. 

This writing is focused on the force that words have on individuals, families, communities, nations and the global zone.
This very day news media, and conversations are noting a forceful leader using irresponsible words to inflame and confuse people of all persuasions.

Words behave much like fire. Easy to start. Difficult to manage or extinguish. It takes fuel to feed a fire. Winds to fan the flames.

The community is sometimes dry like a forest in drought. A dangerous fire burns down to the bed rock and takes many long years to recover soil for producing new productive plants or ideas.  

When the smoky fog of fire tinged words comes upon our community I want to be like a shower of cooling and calming water. The temperature lowers and we can think more deliberately with friendship and time for one another. This is small scale and personal.


    Delton 1-13-18

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