Friday, June 13, 2014

A New World

Here it is mid 2014. Since 2011 posts we have been immersed in Memory Loss as my spouse has been invaded by the unwelcome hazard and destroyer that so many do not want to even think about.

As a caregiver I was almost taken down and made into a dead person by forces of entropy. Constant attention to my dearest spouse Joan who began to exhibit memory loss takes more investment of energy than I could manage to bring to the scene. A seizure several months ago took me out of the front line of the battle. I have survived to this point.

My world is a new world in that I no longer feel like all problems can be solved.  We shall see how many more posts appear.

1 comment:

The Wifely Person said...

Dear, dear Delton,

As the sole care giver for a 93 year old father-in-law, let me clue you in on something: every day that is not a disaster is a victory day. Every day you crawl into bed knowing Joan is safe and warm and secure is a victory day.

When people offer to spell you so you can get out...take them up on the offer. Let your kids help. Take just enough time to refresh, and then back into the fray. And every day you have a moment to refresh is a victory day.

Remember to breathe and remember to let yourself sleep a bit. Then you will be ready to embrace more victory deals.

Hugs from over here,
