Saturday, February 18, 2017

Real Religious News in Short Supply

Real Religious News in Short Supply      2-18-17

The world of religious news is in a famine time.  Bad news is frequently set aside by religious journalists . However, the reader understands that if all the news is good then a considerable amount of information has been set aside.  If all the bad news comes from commercial secular press this shapes the culture.

For years’ my work in a Church profession involved writing information that was to inform people about actual events and ideas. Sometimes promotion took over. Slowly I learned the difference and some skills for making news interesting to the reader.

Good writing involves getting into the minds of the readers.  Then it becomes possible to draw those readers to come back again and again.  

 The writer does not have to pamper the reader with comfortable information that reflects already formed opinions. Some actual news is necessary along with limited interpretation.

The articles intended for a religious newsletter or journal in our time of political and social turmoil are blessed with opportunity.

 1.Keep your audience in mind.
2. Be aware of your own assumptions and personal party line
3. Major in questions relevant to the readers.
4. Limit the number of words in a paragraph. 


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