Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Taking the Roll in Colored Light

Imagine taking roll call with a beautiful stain class window in the hall. A window soaring up in color and brilliance.  Overwhelming the event. That is what I wanted this morning. It was not to be. 


A men’s breakfast discussion group found me silently taking roll call. We were all yet alive. At our ages, no small accomplishment. The stained-glass window would have been just right. Our attention was being taken by the price paid by pushing on in the 80s and 90s. 


We needed distraction. On the other hand, intimate conversation about mortality needs time. We needed both distraction and focus.

That is what a well done stained glass window can provide.


There is the window, silent. Yet it is a presence of blessing. The colors speak to the whole body and mind. There is a sense of music, both dissonant and clashing while at the same time harmonic and calming to the spirit.


The morning roll call in my mind revealed that 7 of the 10 men gathered were dealing with some aspect of Memory Loss in their mate or in themselves. It is hard to imagine anything more dissonant than Alzheimer’s Disease and other such enemies.


We needed an overwhelming stained glass window. Brightness and darkness. Even the dark shadowed glass glows in fine windows.  


Call to mind whatever impressive stained glass you have seen or have it searched out on the Internet. Let it shape your emotion.


2-21-17     Delton Krueger


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