Friday, February 10, 2017

The Nietzsche Revival

There is no meaning in anything!  That is what Frederich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was all about. It was in 1947 that I was first exposed to the ideas of this European philosopher. At first it seemed just strange but then other people and organizations took up the ideas.

 Now America is again being exposed to people running the country involving at least one person with the same ideas. 

I did not agree 70 years ago, and do not agree now. This wolf comes in a sheep’s disguise of solutions to all the problems of society if people will only stop thinking and do more following of the leader.

In my world, all who claim to have certain answers to difficult challenges but are not willing to hear and answer questions are off my list. Be it in business, religion, politics or personal life.


We are humans capable of learning from experience. I am trying.

1 comment:

Grammie T said...

Dear friend, this is a lesson you taught me some 40 years ago and which I still abide; if someone in authority does not allow questions, questioning and discussion, be wary of their intention and what their true knowledge may be.